Risk Management

Risk Management

CARS researchers have been developing and delivering risk management information to producers for over eight years. The materials developed and shared through these projects help producers to identify and manage risks associated with their agricultural enterprises in the areas of production, marketing, management, legal and human resources.

Comprehensive 2011 Risk Management Guide

This Guide contains information about financial, marketing, legal and human and production risk management compiled from various sources and presentations. This guide is written in English.
Risk Management Guide


Financial Risk Management Guide

The Financial Risk Management Guide Book contains Financial information on nine different financial risk areas as well as surveys on insurance and business.
English   l   Spanish   l  Combined English and Spanish


Legal and Human Resources Risk Management Guide

The Legal and Human Resources Risk Management Guide Book contains information on nine different legal issues as well as surveys over liabilities and estate planning.
English    l  Spanish   l  Combined English and Spanish

Marketing Risk Management Guide

The Marketing Risk Management Guide Book contains information on six different marketing risk subject areas as well as a survey on direct marketing. English   l  Spanish   l  Combined English and Spanish


Production Risk Management Guide

The Production Risk Management Guide Book contains information on six different production risk areas. English   l   Spanish   l   Combined English and Spanish


Train the Trainer

The curriculum contains 21 lessons on various topics relating to marketing, legal, financial and business risks associated with direct marketing. Each lesson contains a lesson plan with a set of instructions, an accompanying presentation, handouts and a list of sources for additional information.
Direct Marketing Curriculum